I reached St. Charles around 8:30pm, just in time to catch the Krewe D'etat. The first float I saw was titled, "Worst Wing," and featured a large Bush head in the front, and a purple arc in the rear that read "Exit Strategy." The whole thing looked like a sinking ship of fools, with krewe members firing off beads, and figures painted along the bottom of the float: Iraq (a terrorist), Korea (Kim Jong Il), and another, serpentine creature, not sure it's role. Flambeaus walked with their burning lanterns in front and behind the float. I noticed a young white boy, probably 15, among them, which was strange. He carried a sign that read "CommanDUH in Chief." The marching band from Chalmette High was not far back and I think that school must've been completely destroyed by the storm. I followed along, losing pace and catching up with the Worst Wing. When they came to a stop, I stood still and hollered for some booth. And out of the sky, hurled by some beefy dude, a blue orb descended into my hands. And it was a skull. And it blinked.